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Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2019–2022

Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2019–2022

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Posted by: VIC Government

Author: Victorian Government

Disability Inclusion Action Plan, 2019–2022

View full Action Plan publication here: Disability Inclusion Plan – 2019-22 This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne.

The plan sets our focus on the specific goals we want to achieve from now until 2022 and importantly outlines the work we will undertake to achieve these goals. This will include reviewing our recruitment practices, promoting participation in Disability Confident programs and encouraging our people to model positive attitudes.

Penelope McKay, Deputy Secretary of Corporate Services and Executive Champion of the newly formed DJPR Enablers Network is working to ensure the department has a continued focus in this area particularly in becoming an employer of choice for people with disability.

I am committed to increasing diversity, equity and inclusion at DJPR. It is our imperative as an employer to set the standard for both the public and private sectors through our inclusivity and by creating a safe and welcoming environment for all at DJPR.

This is a live working document so I encourage you to connect with Penelope or the Diversity & Inclusion team to understand how you can be actively involved in achieving this plan. SIMON PHEMISTER, Secretary, DJPR

The department recognises the importance of economic inclusion so people with disability have equitable access to the benefits of living, working in and visiting Victoria.


A number of models exist to provide context in understanding disability. Throughout history, disability has predominantly been considered through a medical model. This model focuses on the attributes of individuals and perceives such attributes as a deficit borne by individuals.

In contrast, the social model characterises disability by the environmental and social barriers to inclusion. This model challenges structural and social norms and places an emphasis on improving accessibility to support equal participation.

The social model for disability underpins the DJPR Disability Inclusion Action Plan, hence the emphasis on ‘inclusion’ in the plan. This also promotes human rights and aligns the plan with Victoria’s Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006, the principles and concepts of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the changed thinking on defining disability.


This plan has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Disability Act 2006.

Disability action plans are developed to:

  • Reduce barriers to people with disability accessing information, services and facilities

  • Reduce barriers to people with disability in obtaining and maintaining employment

  • Promote inclusion and participation in the community of people with a disability

  • Achieve tangible changes to attitudes and practices which discriminate against people with disability.

The department’s responsibilities are further set out in the aim of Victoria’s Equal Opportunity Act 2010 to contribute to making public life discrimination-free and reflected in changes to the Victorian Disability Act 2006 to ensure services are of high quality and account for people with disability. AND

Australian Network on Disability DA Victorian Disability Act 2006

  • DDA Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992

  • DJPR Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions

  • DIAP Disability Inclusion Action Plan

  • EOA Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 2010


Purpose of the plan

At DJPR, we celebrate the diversity in our workforce and actively practice inclusion. DJPR’s inaugural Disability Inclusion Action Plan has been developed in accordance with the Victorian Disability Act 2006, with actions outlined based on each of its focus areas. DJPR’s plan has been developed in partnership with the Australian Network on Disability (AND) to support the department’s commitment to a diverse and inclusive workforce.

The plan outlines DJPR’s commitment to promoting inclusion and accessibility for people with disability in the department.

DJPR’s plan is based on the social model of disability and aims to foster a workplace that is inclusive and accessible for people with disability. The plan highlights the department’s focus on being an employer of choice for people with disability. This includes working towards a six per cent employment target by 2020, as part of a broader aim to achieve 12 per cent by 2025 within Every opportunity, the Victorian economic participation plan for people with disability 2018–2020. As of June 2019, based on People Matter Survey (PMS) data, DJPR’s disability employment rate was 3%.

DJPR colleagues have provided valuable feedback through working group participation and targeted consultation across the department. Feedback from employees with disability has also been incorporated in the plan’s development.

The Executive Director, People and Culture is responsible for the plan’s delivery, supported by governance arrangements within Corporate Services through to the Executive Board. Each Group is responsible for the plan’s implementation within their respective areas. The DJPR Disability Inclusion Action Plan highlights the department’s focus on being an employer of choice for people with disability.

Promoting inclusion and participation in the community

The department has various roles – as policy maker, service provider, purchaser and employer – when it comes to promoting inclusive and accessible participation of people with disability in the community.

While this plan focuses on our role as an employer, Appendix B is dedicated to the department’s contribution to promoting inclusion and participation of people with disability in the community. The department’s progress on disability inclusion

Our plan builds on a number of existing programs and initiatives that are contributing to improved outcomes for people with disability including:

  • Supporting the development and delivery of wholeof Victorian Government initiatives for the economic inclusion of people with disability such as Absolutely everyone: State disability Plan 2018–2020, Every Opportunity: Victorian economic participation plan for people with disability 2018–2020, Getting to work: Victorian public sector disability employment action plan 2018–2025 the Victorian Social Enterprise Strategy, and the department’s Social Procurement Policy

  • State Government plan Absolutely Everyone (not just gov) they highlight the need for economic participation which is called Every Opportunity(not just in gov) and point 10 of this plan is Gettingto Work, support employment – these are the government initiatives we have drawn upon to create this DIAP

  • Delivering disability confident manager training and providing resources to managers to build their capability regarding disability inclusion

  • Providing employment pathways for people with disability through the Stepping Into internship program, the Graduate Recruitment and Development Scheme, the Youth Cadetship Scheme and dedicating 40 percent of Youth EmploymentScheme placements to disadvantaged youth, including people with disability

  • Maintaining annual membership with the on Disability to ensure the departments approach to disability inclusion is based on best and emerging practices

  • Enhancing the department’s HR systems to include updated privacy statements to assure colleagues that their self-identified diversity information is notavailable to managers and other colleagues, andto enable people with disability to opt into targeted communications on professional developmentopportunities and employee networks

  • Actively participating in the Enablers Network,a network of people with disability in the Victorian Public Sector

  • Launching the department’s Safety and well-being Strategy including implementing the Victorian Mental Health and Wellbeing Charter by establishing a Mental Health and well-being program and associated initiatives such as a WorkplaceConciliator, Employee Assistance Program, interactive health and well-being portal, and training managers on mental health management and positive workplace culture

  • Announcing ‘all roles flex’ at the department and updating our flexible work arrangements policy, developing manager and employee guidelines and resources to support flexible work arrangements

  • Supporting team members to work flexibly through future Workplace Program business system enhancements, including updating to Windows 10 and Office 365, Outlook email and calendar with skype chat, OneDrive, and SharePoint online file storage and WebEx video conferencing

  • Acknowledging and celebrating significant dates to promote the achievements and experiences of people with a disability, such as International Day of People with Disability, United Nations Human Rights Day, Global Accessibility Awareness Day, R U Okay? Day and World Mental Health Day.

Our vision and principles

DJPR brings together a diverse rangeof portfolios that are dedicated to building a strong economy for Victoria.We work in the key sectors of agriculture, creative industries, resources and the visitor economy,with more than 2800 team members in over 80 workplaces across Victoria, as wellas in 20 international offices.


  • People with disability have access to information, services and facilities

  • People with disability have access to DJPR information, services and facilities.

  • Complaint and feedback mechanisms are accessible to people with disability.


  • Strategies are in place to increase the employment and retention of people with disability to achieve the department’s six per cent employment target by 2020

  • Recruitment and selection processes are accessible and barrier free.

  • Internal recruiters and external providers are disability confident.

  • We actively recruit suitably skilled people with disability.

  • We actively attract and promote the department as an employer of choice for people with disability.

  • Professional development opportunities are accessible and inclusive.

  • Employees with disability have their voice heard and are represented in workplace decision making.


  • We model positive attitudes and best practice to include people with disability

  • DJPR takes ownership at all levels.

  • Employees and managers are disability confident.

  • Communication and marketing includes people with disability in their material.

Vision for the plan

An inclusive organisation where people with disability participate equally in the workplace and contribute to the Victorian economy.


Respect The department is an inclusive workplace that values people with disability.

Relationships – We partner with people with disability in the workplace.

Opportunities – People with disability have the same access and opportunities as others.